Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Brick and mortar This term is usually used to contrast with a transitory business or an internet-only presence, such as an online store

upload sending of data from a local system to a remote system, such as a server with the intent that the remote system should save a copy of whatever is being transferred or the initiation of such a process

hypertext is text displayed on a computer with references hyperlinks to other text that the reader can immediately access usually by a mouse click or key press sequence

url Uniform Resource Locator

virus a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer

hyperlink reference in a document to an external or internal piece of information

browser a software program that allows the user to find and read encoded documents in a form suitable for display

chatroom computer network in which participants can engage in real-time discussions with one another

login the act of logging in to a computer

logon the act of logging in to a computer

hypermedia information retrieval system

cookie a message containing information about a user

internet computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide

netiquette the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks

web address The location on the Internet of a certain server

denial of service attempt to make a computer resource unavailable

Internet Explorer a series of graphic web browsers

Mozilla Firefox open source web browser

web page a document recorce

dot com services to deal with the inter net

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